
BR2-17 Soup with Obby

Much to their surprise, a big grin spread over Ben's face. "It's lovely," he said. "Like chocolate ice cream. But hot. Try it." Sam took a sip. "No," she said. "Jam rolypoly with custard. My favorite!" Jojo tried a spoonful. "Banana milkshake," she said, firmly. "Go on, Mouse. It's delicious." Mouse looked down at his bowl. Should he? It looked so nasty. But the others were busily tucking in. 
  This book is Story Street, Fiction Step 8. The children went to Obby's house. The house is a lovely cave! In the cave, Obby was making a soup!!! The soup was very strange soup. The color is green... But the soup tastes however we want it to! I want to eat the soup. Now I want to eat yakiniku, so I'll eat the soup, the taste is yakiniku LOL.

U Kaye. Soup with Obby (2001) Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited

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