"Oooh," said Pip, looking around curiously. "Funny." The room was dark and shadowy. The walls were hung with strange charts. There were shelves containing little jars with mysterious labels. There was a work bench with bubbling test tubes giving off clouds of pink steam. There was a crystal ball and a wand hanging from a hook. Strangest of all, there was a tiny dragon with glittering green scales sitting on a wooden perch!
This story is Story Street's Fiction Step 10. the children took the lift and pushed magic button and they arrived the wizard's cottage!! Wizard Wagoo was living the cottage. He had many magical goods and dragon in the cottage!!! I felt like very cool and I want to live in the cottage. I can't use magical power so if I can use the power, I want to fly very fast. In that case, I can go to KGU very easy lol.
U Kaye. Wizard Wagoo (2001), Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited (164/4944 words)
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